Friday, Nepal Police has arrested more than two hundred activists of the Alliance for Independent Madhesh (AIM) led by Dr. CK Raut, on Friday, from various districts, while they were demonstrating to mark the Sundhara Racial Arrest of 2014 at various places. The police has arrested 73 activists from Janakpur including Dr. Raut, 55 from Nepalganj, 50 from Rauthat, 13 from Parsa, 19 from Navalparasi, 11 from Morang, 70 from Rupandehi, 7 from Kapilvastu and 7 from Jhapa district according to the report received so far. The police used force in Janakpur and Rupandehi, injuring about two dozen of activists, and seizing banners and flags.
The peaceful protestors held placards written 'End Racism', 'End Nepali Colonisation', 'Stop Genocide', 'Referendum for Free Madhesh', 'Free Dr CK Raut' etc.
The Alliance had decided to commemorate Mansir 10th (November 25th as 'the Racial Arrest Day', through peaceful placard demonstrations, to mark the arrest of more than 300 Madheshis two year ago on the same day, from the Sundhara area of Kathmandu, when the Nepal Police had arrested them just by looking at the colour of their skin (See, Amnesty International Appeal [1], Asian Human Rights Commission Report [2]).
Alliance for Independent Madhesh (AIM) is a coalition of Madheshi people, activists, political parties and various social organisations working for the independence of Madhesh, through non-violent and peaceful means following the principles of Buddha, Gandhi and Mandela. The alliance advocates an end to Nepali colonisation, racism, slavery and discrimination imposed on the Madheshis. It stands for three pillars: (a) Independent Madhesh (b) Democratic System, and (c) Peaceful and Non-violent Means.
Acknowledging that the rights to freedom of speech, movement, peaceful assembly and association are the fundamental rights of all human beings everywhere, as also mandated by the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR ), of which Nepal is a signatory, we expect acknowledgement and assurance of the rights to freedom of expression, movement and peaceful assembly from the state and its agencies. We hereby appeal to all human rights bodies, journalists and international communities to oppose any infringement on fundamental human rights by the Government of Nepal and its agencies, to secure immediate and unconditional release of the detainees, and to ensure fundamental human rights and freedom of expression for all.
Kailash Mahato, Subcoordinator
Alliance for Independent Madhesh (AIM)
Mobile: + 977-9811568678
[1] Nepal: Dissenting Voices at Risk
Amnesty International, 5 December 2014, Index number: ASA 31/008/2014
"The arrests of CK Raut and fellow Madhesi activists on 25 and 26 November for attempting to hold a rally in Kathmandu constitute violations of the rights to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly; the Government of Nepal must actively protect the space for political debate, including dissenting views on the constitution. Altogether, the Nepal police and Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) arrested more than 300 people and held some 30 individuals, including Raut, for up to 48 hours. "
[2] NEPAL: Mass arrests on eve of SAARC summit
Asian Human Rights Commission, November 29, 2014
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